Free Photo Prints


Digital cameras, cameras on mobile phones, PCs and digital picture frames have started to kill off the traditional photo print, but there’s still the odd occasion that you’ll need to whip out a print to show the older or less technically minded members of your family or, and here’s a blast from the past, to actually stick on your wall.

There’s also still a range of companies doing photo printing who are eager to show you how good their service, and to do this they’re will to give you some free prints (although you’ll probably have to pay the cost of the postage, which isn’t usually very much), so it’s possible to get many of your prints done for next to nothing. has a list of all of the current deals from 16 printing services, all currently offer between 15 and 40 free prints, so there’s plenty to go at before you need to fork out any more. And of course these days it’s much easier to choose all the best photos, rather than paying for each and every photo on your film, including those from the end of the film when you’re simply trying to use it up.

Currently, the best offer is from Jessops’: 40 prints (6″ by 4″) for just 99p postage.

Via Miss Thrifty

Creative Commons License photo credit: milesinside

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