MoneyExpert: Most Confident About ID Theft Safety

Most Britons have little sympathy for countrymen targeted by fraudsters, with more than 70 per cent saying that keeping details safe is an individual responsibility.

Just one in 13 said that it should be the responsibility of the police to prevent financial crime, and one in five said it should be the responsibility of lenders.

Many were also confident that they had taken steps to protect themselves from fraud, with 70 per cent saying that they were safeguarded, reports myCallcredit

Just one in three could correctly identify their risks of ID theft however – around one in a thousand – with many substantially underestimating their likelihood of being a victim.

“It’s really encouraging that people think they know how to protect themselves from ID theft and believe they bear the main responsibility for doing so,” said Mel Mitchley of myCallcredit.

“However, people do drastically underestimate the risk they will become a victim of ID theft so there is still a lot of work to do educating people of those risks and the tell tale signs that your identity might have been compromised.”

This article: © Moneyexpert Ltd.

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