Wanted: Cheap Valentine’s Day Ideas (For Singles)

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We’re approaching 14th February again, and that can mean only one thing in the personal finance blogosphere – lists of cheap Valentine’s Day ideas!

Now, we’re not immune from this here at Money Watch either, check out a previous post featuring more than 1o0 cheap Valentine’s day ideas from last year, and for more ideas, check out these hundreds of ideas for a frugal Valentine’s day.

But this year we’d like to do something a bit different, and spare a thought for all those singles who have to put up with this soppy nonsense each year.

We’d like your ideas for cheap things to do to on Valentine’s day that don’t involve a partner – that’s not to say that they have to be done whilst on your own, though, but they mustn’t be lovey-dovey activities. The more fun and the cheaper the better. It’s a kind of anti-Valentine’s day, if you will.

Let us know your ideas in the comments below.

Creative Commons License photo credit: stevefaeembra

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