Infographic: How Google Made Money In 2011

Last week Google announced its earnings for 2011, coming in at a rather impressive $39.7bn (£25bn). What was once a research project started in a garage has become an enormous company, but how do they earn all their money?

This infographic from Wordstream shows Google’s sources of revenue. In particular, take a look at the top industries which spend the most on Google ads. At no.1 it’s Finance & Insurance.

Click for a larger version:

What Industries Contributed to Google's Billion in Revenues? [INFOGRAPHIC]

One interesting aspect of finance and insurance being top of the advertising spenders is that this is a market that Google appears to want to get into, with its sponsored credit card and mortgage ads, together with its purchase of financial comparison site BeatThatQuote here in the UK.

I’ve said all along that Google needs to be careful not to step on the toes of some of its biggest customers, but they either think that there’s room in the market for themselves, or that they can afford to annoy some advertisers, knowing they’ll make more money by offering the ads direct.

4 thoughts on “Infographic: How Google Made Money In 2011

  1. Google needs to be extremely careful about competing with its customers, a very good point. The bigger they get and the more they grow beyond search, the more risk there is that they will end up in competition with their customers. Speaking of tech stocks – Apple now has cash on its books of US$97.6 billion!

  2. That is true,Rob. As an author and business man, I can relate to how you said, “This infographic from Wordstream shows Google’s sources of revenue. In particular, take a look at the top industries which spend the most on Google ads”. I hope more people discover your blog because you really know what you’re talking about. Can’t wait to read more from you!

  3. It is absolutely crazy that some CPCs for finance terms are reaching £40 plus but the big players must see value in paying these rates or surely they would stop? Perhaps they cant because not being there would be more damage?

  4. There is nothing to get shocked. Google is the best and so many business companies rely on Google. I had a look at info-graphic many finance and insurance companies used Google for ads. So revenue for Google is obvious…!

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