If there’s one financial product I’d suggested you try to avoid for as long as possible at university, it’s credit cards. Nothing can hurt your finances as much as a couple of grand sitting on your card steadily growing as the interest mounts up. Recent studies suggest that 43% of students have a credit card, […]
Tag: Students
Student Finance: Best Student Bank Accounts
Comparing student bank accounts isn’t that easy – but take a look at the MoneyFacts best buy table, and you’ll see that the top two accounts offered on their are the Royal Bank of Scotland and Halifax student accounts. Both of these accounts offer 2% interest if you are in credit, but possibly more importantly, […]
Student Finance: New Series
As we’re approaching the start of the new academic year, I’m starting a series of posts looking at the thorny subject of student finance. Studies suggest that this year’s freshers will owe £21,000 on average by the time they graduate, so it’s becoming more and more important that students, and their parents, are thinking about […]
HSBC U-Turn After Facebook Protest
Following on from last week’s post on students pressuring HSBC on Facebook, HSBC have decided to do a U-turn on their plans to scrap interest-free overdrafts on their graduate accounts: Thousands of students on Facebook had threatened to boycott the bank. The National Union of Students said this made all the difference to the protest. […]
Students Pressure Bank Using Facebook
The internet is the power behind yet another consumer protest – this time, students have joined together on Facebook to protest against HSBC’s decision to scrap a 3-year interest free deal on their graduate accounts. Around 3,500 students have joined the “Stop The Great HSBC Graduate Rip-Off” group to try to get HSBC to reverse […]
Test Your Personal Finance Knowledge
Last Saturday’s Telegraph newspaper included a personal finance quiz so that you could test your knowledge of some common finance issues. I was a little bit worried that I’d fail miserably, but thankfully I got 19/20, tripping up on question 13, about the amount of capital gains tax you are allowed each year (tax is […]
More on Repaying Your Student Loan
Brad Ford made a great point on my previous post about whether to pay off your student loan or not: Without factoring in risk, paying off the student loan is an easy decision. Unfortunately, life is not without risk. Two months after you pay down the loan, you absolutely must have $1,000 for an emergency. […]
Student Loans: Pay or Delay?
Like many, I left university with some debt. I’m probably one of the lucky ones though, as it wasn’t a huge amount, compared with the average figures that students are accumulating these days, plus all of my debt was in student loans – no overdrafts, credit cards etc. I’ve been wondering recently whether I should […]
MoneyExpert: Majority ‘have Not Changed Current Accounts In Ten Years’
A total of 60 per cent of Britons have not changed their current account in over ten years even though they could have benefited from better rates, it has been claimed.
This Is Money: Lloyds Boss To Face IPod Music
Lloyds TSB has struggled to sign up customers to its ‘free iPod’ student account, leaving about 44,000 machines gathering dust