Monzo Adds Siri Integration, Launches On Android

The folks at Monzo have been busy, announcing the integration with iOS’s Siri assistant and launching the Android version of their app in the past few days.

Siri Integration

For those Monzo users on the latest version of iOS (iOS 10), Siri can now be given access to their Monzo data and app, and by giving it certain commands, users can send money directly to their contacts.

For example, you can fire up Siri and say “Send Rob Lewis £10”, and hey presto, the recipient will get £10 (if you want to test this out, I’ll be happy to give you my details so you can add me as a contact :) )

At the moment, Siri is apparently being a little temperamental, and amounts over £10 seem to give it a few difficulties, so it might be worth holding off using this until the problems have been ironed out.

Here’s a video of the Monzo – Siri integration in action:


Monzo for Android

We reported back in May that Monzo were starting to develop their Android app, and this has now been launched, according to their blog. Were possible, they’ve attempted to launch with the same set of functionality found on the iOS app, and this includes instant notifications with every transaction (one of my personal favourite features), automatic categorisation of spending, address and logos for the retailers you use the card at, and instant card freezing.

Here’s an example of how the app looks on Android:

Monzo on Android

You can download Monzo for Android from the Google Play store. If you don’t yet have a Monzo card, then there is a waiting list of up to a couple of weeks, but you can register for one here.

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