10% Argue Over Will

A couple of days ago I posted 5 reasons to make a will. Unfortunately, according to some new figures, writing a will may not stop heartache for your family and freinds, as one in ten adults in the U.K. have fallen out over a will.

Unsurprisingly, money is the main cause of arguments, the study for Scottish Widows found. Some more stats:

  • 10% of those who had a will said they wanted to ensure their estate did not go to someone they did not like.
  • 20% of arguments over wills stemmed from claims that an estate was divided unfairly.
  • About 5% of rows occurred when someone found out they were not to receive an item apparently verbally promised to them.
  • The majority of the arguments were said to be between brothers and sisters, with 42% never speaking to each other again after the argument.

The study questioned 2294 people.

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