MoneyDashboard Set To Launch New Version

Money management tool MoneyDashboard is set to release a new version in mid-August.

Whilst the features of the new version are not fully known, MoneyDashboard have announced the following in an email to its users:

  • Rich search and charting tools to help you to see what has happened (to your money), helping to inform your future decisions
  • See what is going on now in your finances and work out how it will impact on you this month
  • Look ahead to future months, set goals and plan your future budgets
  • New Application Design  - The application has been completely redesigned, with a new layout, information structure, better tagging and some great charting tools.
  • New Technology - V2 is designed to be available across multiple browsers and platforms, using HTML rather than Silverlight. The entire application has been re-written to make the most of new technology.
  • New Faster Sign In - The User sign in process has been slimmed down to get you into the application much faster. The migration process for existing users will be straight forward.


We’re looking forward to seeing the new version of the software. The personal finance management (PFM) market continues to struggle to get off the ground in the UK, and MoneyDashboard is one of the handful of developers still plugging away. Development has been a little on the slow side in the past 18 months, but it looks as if they’ve undertaken some serious redevelopment of the site in order to improve the service for users (and, no doubt, spent a considerable amount of money in the process).

One of the biggest changes is the move from Silverlight to HTML5. The use of Silverlight was always a dodgy move, in my opinion. Getting the average web user to download a non-standard browser plugin no doubt put off a lot of users.

We’ll post more details on the new look MoneyDashboard when they become available.

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