Cuvva, the pay as you go car insurer, is to launch a brand-new category of car insurance aimed at car owners who use their cars infrequently.
Tag: car insurance
Could A Dashcam Save You Money On Your Car Insurance?

Up until a few years ago, dashcams only seemed to be the preserve of footage from foreign car crashes. But there’s a growing number of them appearing in UK cars, and you may now be able to save money on your car insurance by installing your own dashcam.
Cuvva: Short-Term Car Insurance

A new service is looking to disrupt the insurance market by offering short-term car insurance via a mobile app.
Tesco Bank Box Insurance: Car-Tracking Car Insurance For Young Drivers
Tesco Bank have introduced a new car insurance option which aims to lower the cost for young drivers thanks to telematic technology.
Google: Car Insurance Comparison Sites Need Cleaning Up
The Telegraph has been taking a look at Google’s new car insurance comparison service, and how it thinks it could get you the best deal for your car insurance.
Google Launches Car Insurance Comparison Tool
Google has launched yet another financial comparison tool within its search results, this time showing a car insurance comparison tool for related searches.