Debt Collectors Show How NOT To Use Social Media


Debt collectors from ANZ bank in Australia have been caught setting up fake Facebook profiles in order to connect with debtors and get their contact details.

Facebooker “Max Bourke” managed to get up to 80 friends before getting stopped, and ANZ has confirmed that several members of its debt collection department in Melbourne are facing disciplinary action over the incident.

Apparently, the incident was not a bank-sanctioned activity, but was carried out by an individual or group of individuals.

If nothing else, this is a lesson to businesses about having a social media policy in place and practising the highest levels of transparency when it comes to the use of social media profiles and content.

Creative Commons License photo credit: Andrew Feinberg

4 thoughts on “Debt Collectors Show How NOT To Use Social Media

  1. Yes you r right it’s an lesson to business to hav a social media policy in place and practicing the highest levels of transparency.
    Or u can find these type of problem .And all blame goes to bank .So need to stop this .

  2. This is the reason people are told to be aware of what’s true and what’s fake. Businesses have started establishing themselves in social media sites to connect to people. Hence we need to be careful before lending any personal information’s on these sites.

  3. People with such fraud intentions misuse every blessing which comes in disguise. Through Facebook we are able to connect with thousands of people across the world at an instant with whom we exchange and learn new things. Frauds should stop misusing the social media for personal gains.

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