Metro Bank Opens On 29th July

It feels like we’ve been waiting a while for Metro Bank to open their new branches in London, and we finally have a date for when their doors will open.

Metro Bank’s first branch, at Southampton Row in Holborn, will begin taking customers on Thursday 29th July, with their second branch in Earl’s Court opening a week later. Two further branches are then due to open later in the year, followed by several more in 2011. It is being billed as Britain’s first new high street bank in more than 150 years.

You can see more about the locations of the branches on their website.


Their website also includes a little more information than when we looked at it previously, including a glimpse of their mascot, a jolly looking M in a cap. He’s a little bit Wizbit though.

Metro Bank mascot


Indeed, the whole site also looks a bit amateurish – not really what you want from an institution that’s going to be looking after your money. It will be interesting to see whether it is improved in time for the first branch opening, and whether there is any functionality for those looking to open and manage their accounts online.

Metro Bank

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