Money Watch on BBC2

BBC Money Watch

Sadly, the BBC haven’t decided to make a TV programme about this blog, but they do have a new money programme starting this week called Money Watch.

In the first programme (first shown 8p.m. Tuesday), the team look at the prospects for pay and employment, and how working lives are changing.

We’ve just been through the worst recession since the 1930s, wiping out chunks of the economy and leaving the country with eye-watering debts. Now, we’re told, recovery is on the way. But we’re also facing the toughest squeeze in generations, and are being promised job losses, pay curbs and years of rising taxes.

The panel of experts on their team is a bit of a Who’s Who? of personal finance heavyweights, including Andy Verity, everyone’s favourite money making saving expert Martin Lewis (no relation), Money Box’s Paul Lewis (still no relation), recession doomsmonger Robert Peston and BBC economics editor Stephanie Flanders.

Throughout the programme Martin Lewis will be offering his no doubt over enthusiastic advice to the “Money Watch family”.

Seen the programme? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

5 thoughts on “Money Watch on BBC2

  1. William McGuinness

    Please don’t forget to include retired public service workers’
    pensions in your discussions because we are already hard hit along with everyone else.

  2. Very helpful programme – if I may comment on two topics please. 1. The Government failed to ensure that the marked reduction in Interest rates was passed on to borrowers. All they did was put the squeeze on Savings, and reduce Borrowers Interest Rates marginally, thus expanding on their profitability, and helping the likes of Nationwide BS being able to fund a thirtieths accrual rate Defined Benefits Pension for its CEO. 2. Contrary to the comment that the Government cannot have any effect on Major Private Companies, they could close all Defined Benefit Pension Schemes as they are unsustainable in normal business – or if they cannot be so radical because of Trades Union confrontation, they could make it Law that Bonuses cannot be paid out by any company if it has a Defined Benefit Pension Scheme in deficit.

  3. Thought the programme was great – Nick Grey, dubbed as the Entrepreneur at the start of the show is the founder and designer of the very successful company Gtech. Just goes to show by working hard for your money, can have great results!

  4. I wanted to know how much the BBC’s presenter Justin Rowlatt was paid, I’m sure it would be too much alongside the doctor and hospital cleaner featured.

    Martin Lewis was short of any suggestion he has not flogged many, many times over which was worrying, I was expecting something new – become a professional comper or fill in surveys, does he realise how low the low pay is from fake jobs like that?

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