A virtual personal assistant to help customers manage their financial life.
Author: Rob Lewis
Young People “Most Likely To Be Victims Of Online Fraud”

Despite the common assumption that the younger generation is more tech-literate, three in 10 (31%) 16-24-year olds have been a victim of online shopping fraud, compared with only 12% of over 55s
Mobile #1 Channel For First Direct Customers

More first direct customers using their smartphone to bank than computer
Most Common Online Scams To Be Cautious Of

TalkTalk is arming consumers with information on the common online scams to be most cautious of.
HSBC Launches “Connected Money” App

New HSBC Connected Money app lets customers see accounts from different banks on one screen.
Santander First High Street Bank To Offer FitBit Pay

Santander UK has become the first major High Street Bank to offer its customers access to Fitbit Pay, the contactless payment system, which is available with the Fitbit Vers and Fitbit Ionic smart watches.
Reeclaim: Get Automatic Refunds On Delayed Tube Journeys

Reeclaim automatically scans tube journeys to determine if commuters are due to receive a refund. If delayed, it will submit a refund request to TfL on behalf of the passenger, who will then be credited the full amount.
Monzo Killing Off Its Prepaid Cards

Monzo has announced that it is closing its legacy prepaid cards programme over the next few months; Monzo account holders who have yet to upgrade their accounts to their full current account will need to do so in order to continue using a Monzo card.
first direct Launches Face ID For iPhone X Mobile App

first direct has wasted no time in optimising its mobile banking app to support Face ID on the iPhone X.
first direct Partners With Financial Platform Bud

first direct is partnering with Bud to trial a new business model, which provides customers with an integrated offering of financial services products and tools from across the market, including those from other providers.