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Month: February 2009
Our Pocket Money Strategy
Our son has recently turned 6, and we’ve decided to try and teach him a little about money, as well as trying to improve his behaviour, by giving him some pocket money.
Happy Birthday! Cheques 350 Today
According to the BBC, the humble cheque hits 350 years old today, and despite a gradual decline in use, is unlikely to completely disappear for quite a few years to come.
Say I Love You This Weekend…
…with a well insulated loft.
Beginners Guide To Building Your Own PC
Building your own PC from scratch might not actually be that cost effective, with the price of high spec new PCs getting ever cheaper, but this beginners guide to putting together a PC using all the necessary components will help you if you decide to go down that route.
40% Off Champagne For Valentine’s Day
Just as a quick follow up to my post on 100+ cheap Valentine’s Day ideas, you can now get 40% off all champagne and sparkling wine at Threshers, Wine Rack and Victoria Wine in an offer that’s valid until 14th February.
100+ Cheap Valentine’s Day Ideas
In case you hadn’t noticed, Valentine’s Day is once again approaching fast – a time when blokes the country wide start to panic about what to buy and how much to spend, whilst the women seem to take it all in their stride and can do no wrong, at least in my limited experience.
Petition Against Bank Greed
The recent bonuses paid to employees of nationalised (and part-nationalised) banks have really got up some people’s noses, so much so that there is now a petition you can sign to ask the Prime Minister Gordon Brown to prevent bonuses or over-inflation salary increases being paid to employees of banks where the government now has a majority shareholding.
Don’t Buy A New PC, Improve Your Old One
Although prices of new PCs are coming down as the specs gradually increase, if your current PC is struggling but you’d rather not fork out for a new one, TechRadar have posted a few cheap ideas for givng your PC a new lease of life.
Where’s Your Money Going?
Personal finance blogger Mrs Micah is challenging her readers to manually track their spending throughout the month of February in her “Where’s My Money Going Month”. The idea is to make you aware of your spending habits and patterns, which will ultimately help you budget and save.